H1N1 - Population control ?
Despite the proven cases of grippe suína human being more than arrive the 100 a thousand in the world and if subject that the next mutations to the virus are more lethal, the governments and the World-wide Organization of Saúde (OMS) if strengthen in ignoring the real causes of the pandemic. On the contrary of this the fragmentary approaches predominate, either in relation to the symptoms, the development of a vaccine against the new virus, that can supply to it on life and until the situation could and get worse, what it is a great business for the transnational ones that they dominate this market.
The current pandemic of grippe suína is serious in itself same e, however, it is only one pointer of the sped up process of recombination and creation of new pathogenic agents of the last years. It is not a separated fact nor fortuitous, is a logical and coherent component of the serious generalized crisis of health the global level, consequência them multiple economic, ambient, climatic crises, where we are immersed thanks to decades of profit desenfreando of transnational, the devastadoras ones of the population and the planet.
Despite the authorities dissimulate dementia (also the causers of the epidemic premiem, as in Mexico) are clearly the basic paper of large-scale the industrial creation of animals, mainly pigs, as promotional of the creation of new patologias. It is not the only factor, but it is the key in the origin of the current epidemic and in that they will come more, because the pigs act, than in other species, as “crisol” for the recombination of new viruses. The conditions of amontoamento of thousand of animals where they circulate different types of viruses that can infectar one same animal simultaneously estresse, it, the frequent vaccinations and continuous exposition the praguicidas, exceed this capacity.
The evidence of that also the human beings transmit new virus A/H1N1 to the types, is very preoccupying because it speeds up the causes of mutation of the virus that can return to the human beings in more aggressive forms. However, in the 16 of July OMS it announced that the grippe suína human being (aseptically called for them A/H1N1 to excuse the industrials of creation of pigs) if has extended in such a way and the level of I infect is so common, that already is not required to the countries to report to the organism the new cases. Of all the ways, said the OMS, this are impossible I infect because it goes much more fast that its capacity to enter. According to OMS “the pandemic of grippe in 2009 comes spreading in international level with a rapidity without precedents. In previous pandemics, the viruses of the grippe will need six months for disseminarsse more than so widely as new virus A/H1N1 has made to it in less than six weeks”.
They show thus to another factor key of the pandemic: the increase of the global traffic of good, animals, people (and microbes), inherent to the world-wide market who need the transnational ones. For this market if the great megaprojetos of infrastructure and energy constróem (highways, great dams, hidrovias), increase the deforestation and the advance of the great agricultural and forest monocultivos (with the consequent expulsion of the agricultural populations in direction to the cities) destroying its beneficial and enemy step habitats and its biodiversity natural and, therefore, natural competitors of the pathogenic microorganisms. The resultant concentration of the population in great urban centers - also useful for the sales centered of transnational, the devoid ones in its periphery of basic services, it creates ideal conditions for the large-scale transmission.
In all the cases of epidemics and sprouting of new patologias of the last decades, such as ébola, antavírus, virus of the Nile, new types of malaria, affection, HIV, have for backwards some of these factors. It more has perturbation of hábitats of wild animals that act as reservoirs without contracting the disease, forcing its migration the populated zones; they create new and abundant criadouros of vectors of the diseases (as puddles d' water in deforested zones that mosquitos create as anopheles, vector of the malaria; proliferation of clams and insects in the lakes and rivers affected for great dams due the salinity changes, increasing exponentially the cases of leishmaniose, esquistossomose, and, etc); next to mega criadouros industrials of pigs and chickens, etc.
To this it has that to add the increasing use and industrial manipulation of virus and bacteria, that are used, for example, to construct transgênicos, to produce and pharmaceutical substances, all chemical it factor of acceleration of mutations. The fragmentary politics also increase the speed of mutation and its impact. The campaigns of massiva disinfection and the increase of use of antibacterial, eliminate the microorganisms weakest, leave space to most resistant and compel to the viruses to fine fast more. The vaccination campaigns create a secular immunity that produces that the new generations do not have no natural defense front to this virus, to the time that leave empty niches for other viruses, quiçá the one of the causes of the reason population youngest die faster with the virus of the current grippe, making look like with the 1918 grippe.
Despite the authorities intend to esquivar themselves, pressured for the global system and the profit of the trasnacionais, to see the causes of the disaster in all its magnitude it is an essential task, as well as supporting to that they follow supporting the biodiversity and the health of the environment and the nature, as local peasants, aboriginals and communities.
*Silvia Ribeiro is researcher of the Group ETC
Text: Silvia Ribeiro/Brazil in fact.
The current pandemic of grippe suína is serious in itself same e, however, it is only one pointer of the sped up process of recombination and creation of new pathogenic agents of the last years. It is not a separated fact nor fortuitous, is a logical and coherent component of the serious generalized crisis of health the global level, consequência them multiple economic, ambient, climatic crises, where we are immersed thanks to decades of profit desenfreando of transnational, the devastadoras ones of the population and the planet.
Despite the authorities dissimulate dementia (also the causers of the epidemic premiem, as in Mexico) are clearly the basic paper of large-scale the industrial creation of animals, mainly pigs, as promotional of the creation of new patologias. It is not the only factor, but it is the key in the origin of the current epidemic and in that they will come more, because the pigs act, than in other species, as “crisol” for the recombination of new viruses. The conditions of amontoamento of thousand of animals where they circulate different types of viruses that can infectar one same animal simultaneously estresse, it, the frequent vaccinations and continuous exposition the praguicidas, exceed this capacity.
The evidence of that also the human beings transmit new virus A/H1N1 to the types, is very preoccupying because it speeds up the causes of mutation of the virus that can return to the human beings in more aggressive forms. However, in the 16 of July OMS it announced that the grippe suína human being (aseptically called for them A/H1N1 to excuse the industrials of creation of pigs) if has extended in such a way and the level of I infect is so common, that already is not required to the countries to report to the organism the new cases. Of all the ways, said the OMS, this are impossible I infect because it goes much more fast that its capacity to enter. According to OMS “the pandemic of grippe in 2009 comes spreading in international level with a rapidity without precedents. In previous pandemics, the viruses of the grippe will need six months for disseminarsse more than so widely as new virus A/H1N1 has made to it in less than six weeks”.
They show thus to another factor key of the pandemic: the increase of the global traffic of good, animals, people (and microbes), inherent to the world-wide market who need the transnational ones. For this market if the great megaprojetos of infrastructure and energy constróem (highways, great dams, hidrovias), increase the deforestation and the advance of the great agricultural and forest monocultivos (with the consequent expulsion of the agricultural populations in direction to the cities) destroying its beneficial and enemy step habitats and its biodiversity natural and, therefore, natural competitors of the pathogenic microorganisms. The resultant concentration of the population in great urban centers - also useful for the sales centered of transnational, the devoid ones in its periphery of basic services, it creates ideal conditions for the large-scale transmission.
In all the cases of epidemics and sprouting of new patologias of the last decades, such as ébola, antavírus, virus of the Nile, new types of malaria, affection, HIV, have for backwards some of these factors. It more has perturbation of hábitats of wild animals that act as reservoirs without contracting the disease, forcing its migration the populated zones; they create new and abundant criadouros of vectors of the diseases (as puddles d' water in deforested zones that mosquitos create as anopheles, vector of the malaria; proliferation of clams and insects in the lakes and rivers affected for great dams due the salinity changes, increasing exponentially the cases of leishmaniose, esquistossomose, and, etc); next to mega criadouros industrials of pigs and chickens, etc.
To this it has that to add the increasing use and industrial manipulation of virus and bacteria, that are used, for example, to construct transgênicos, to produce and pharmaceutical substances, all chemical it factor of acceleration of mutations. The fragmentary politics also increase the speed of mutation and its impact. The campaigns of massiva disinfection and the increase of use of antibacterial, eliminate the microorganisms weakest, leave space to most resistant and compel to the viruses to fine fast more. The vaccination campaigns create a secular immunity that produces that the new generations do not have no natural defense front to this virus, to the time that leave empty niches for other viruses, quiçá the one of the causes of the reason population youngest die faster with the virus of the current grippe, making look like with the 1918 grippe.
Despite the authorities intend to esquivar themselves, pressured for the global system and the profit of the trasnacionais, to see the causes of the disaster in all its magnitude it is an essential task, as well as supporting to that they follow supporting the biodiversity and the health of the environment and the nature, as local peasants, aboriginals and communities.
*Silvia Ribeiro is researcher of the Group ETC
Text: Silvia Ribeiro/Brazil in fact.