Não Estamos Sós - We are not alone
NASA, American space agency, the analysis of the data after confirmed in this friday the water existence congealed in a crater of the Moon sent by space sounding lead LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, in English), that it was shocked with the terrestrial satellite in last day 9 of October. According to agency, the amount of the found natural resources in the hole, with depth of about 20 m, is equivalent the 12 water buckets. In official notice, the space agency informed that the discovery opens a new chapter in the history that understands the Moon. " We are discovering the mysteries of our neighbor next e, for consequência, of the Solar" System; , it affirmed Michael Wargo, scientist-head of the mission, in the headquarters of NASA, Washington. " The moon shelters many secrets and the LCROSS added a new ingredient for ours compreensão" , it said. Before the collision, the LCROSS successfully launched a rocket on the Cabeus crater, that it meets in the region of the South Pole, in the occult face of the Moon. The first impact of the empty rocket provoked a dust column that went up on the high one of the crater and was followed minutes later for the sounding lead, that collected information of the mat before falling. A spokesman of NASA explained in this sixth that " probably the water is congealed and mixed to others substâncias". " The water alone was seen the impact after, what it indicates that it was not available in superfície" , it said. However, the spokesman affirmed that " not yet he is possible to determine that type of water is essa". According to it, the focus now is in studying the gotten information to reach new discoveries. " Now we have that to give a step it stops backwards and thinking about what more can have there. The Moon is viva" , it added. The scientists have investigated have times the origin of significant amounts of hydrogen that had been detected in the lunar polar regions. In accordance with the agency, the data collected for the LCROSS can still indicate an amount of bigger water of what it was suspected previously. If the water really was formed or remained in deposits in billions of years, this would be the key specialists to understand the history and the evolution to them of the Solar System. Moreover, the water and other composites are potential resources that could support the dream human to future fix a base in the ground lunar. The space sounding lead left of the Land in passed June, on board a rocket Atlases V, next to sounding lead LRO (Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter). The two devices integrate the first mission of the Constellation program, that foresees the return of the man to the Moon from 2020.