Technique of nursing is imprisoned for applying sedative in just-been born

Vanessa Pedroso denied to have injected medicines in the babies, who are in the UTI 

Gustavo Azevedo and Carlos Etchichury | gustavo.azevedo@, carlos.etchichury@ 

The Civil Policy of the RS arrested in the dawn of this Saturday one technique of accused nursing to have injected high dosage of sedatives in 11 babies born in the maternity of the University Hospital of the Luterana University of Brazil (Ulbra), in Canoas, the Region Metropolitan of Porto Alegre. Vanessa Pedroso, 25 years, more than gave to deposition of one hour in 1ª Police station of the Civil Policy of Canoes. According to lawyer of the girl, Sergio Assumpção, it denies to have applied medicines in the children, who currently meet in the Unit of Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) of the hospital. The commission agent Pacific Guillermo, however, cultivated the instant for homicide attempts he directed and it for the Feminine Prison Madre Pelletier, in the Capital. Today per the morning, the commission agent will give a press conference to explain details of the case. The Civil Policy investigated the improper use of of benzodiazepínicos (sedative) in the hospital. Since the last monday, 11 babies had received the medication in first the six hours from life. They had escaped of the death because they had been led for the UTI. - Today (friday) I can say that we are dealing with a crime. I have 30 years of medicine and she had never lived deeply a situation similar to this - she says the director-generality of the hospital, Eleonora Walcher. In accordance with Eleonora, professionals had started to at the beginning perceive the abnormality of the week. - The babies were weak, fainted and evoluíam for the picture of respiratory stop without no apparent reason - the director counts. With the succession of cases, the doctors of the hospital had started to distrust of that some thing was missed. - At a moment, we even suspect of poisoning - Eleonora says. Samples of five babies who had been sick had been collected and envoy for analysis. The result: just-been born they had received improperly doses from calmantes. - A wonderful team of nurses did not have itself and a UTI inside of the hospital, us we would not have as to save these babies, who had five or six hours of life only when they had presented the symptoms - the doctor details. The case is folloied " of perto" for the Self-Regulating Body of the Medicine Profession of the Rio Grande Do Sul (Cremers), according to its vice-president, Rogério de Aguiar. In the night of this sixth, parents aflitos looked information. One of them said that, until that moment, it did not have had been informed officially for the hospital of what it occurs. The University Hospital carries through one hundred childbirths for month. The obstétrico center suspended the attendance temporiamente the gestantes in childbirth work, that must direct to the Hospital Ours Lady of the Favours. The medicine The remedy can be used in cases of emergency under medical lapsing - Benzodiazepínicos is tranquilizantes. One of the most known is the Diazepan. - The medicine can be used in emergency situations, when, for example, a child very agitated needs immediate cares when arriving at the hospital or is in convulsive crisis (epileptic attack). - Just-been born they can receive the medication, always with medical lapsing. The dose of the medicine is managed in accordance with the weight of the baby. - Adult they can make regular use of the medicine, also with orientation of a doctor, in case of anxiety pictures.


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